Do Invariances in Deep Neural Networks Align with Human Perception?

Surveys for human invariance


An evaluation criterion for safe and trustworthy deep learning is how well the invariances captured by representations of deep neural networks (DNNs) are shared with humans. We identify challenges in measuring these invariances. Prior works used gradient-based methods to generate identically represented inputs (IRIs), ie, inputs which have identical representations (on a given layer) of a neural network, and thus capture invariances of a given network. One necessary criterion for a network’s invariances to align with human perception is for its IRIs look ‘similar’ to humans. Prior works, however, have mixed takeaways; some argue that later layers of DNNs do not learn human-like invariances yet others seem to indicate otherwise. We argue that the loss function used to generate IRIs can heavily affect takeaways about invariances of the network and is the primary reason for these conflicting findings. We propose an adversarial regularizer on the IRI generation loss that finds IRIs that make any model appear to have very little shared invariance with humans. Based on this evidence, we argue that there is scope for improving models to have human-like invariances, and further, to have meaningful comparisons between models one should use IRIs generated using the regularizer-free loss. We then conduct an in-depth investigation of how different components (eg architectures, training losses, data augmentations) of the deep learning pipeline contribute to learning models that have good alignment with humans. We find that architectures with residual connections trained using a (self-supervised) contrastive loss with l_p ball adversarial data augmentation tend to learn invariances that are most aligned with humans.

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2023
Ayan Majumdar
Ayan Majumdar
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science

My research interests broadly encompass applications of machine learning in decision-making and high-stakes scenarios while ensuring the fairness, explainability and robustness of such systems.
